A documentary about the Falkland Islanders before and after 1982, and the transformation of the island into an Image of Hope. A film by Carl Eneroth, Sthlm Social Innovation Lab. Executive producer: Björn Gillsäter. More information about screenings: &
From award-winning filmmaker Carl Eneroth (“All the Way”) comes Sthlm Social Innovation Lab’s documentary IMAGES OF HOPE, a warm-hearted, informative and at times humorous encounter with Falkland Islanders and what made the island into the success it is today. The story sets off a few years ago when Bjorn Gillsäter went through things his father left after he passed away and found a box of photographs he hadn’t seen before. It was from the Falkland Islands where his father, his mother and himself as a two year old spent five months in 1968/69. His father Sven, a nature photographer, did a series for the Swedish Television and wrote a book on the penguins and the people he met. Half a century later, reading up on the Falkland Islands, now as a diplomat by profession, Björn came to realise that there is a before and after the war in 1982. Much had changed for the better. What if the Falkland Islanders themselves, some even captured in his fathers photographs, could tell that story of self-determination and progress? Well, said and done. A grant from the Shackleton Foundation allowed Björn and documentary filmmaker Carl Eneroth, to set out and capture what they believe is an inspiring Image of Hope. Duration: 32 minutes Photo below: Carl Eneroth (2024) & Sven Gillsäter (1968/69) |